Wangka Kutju
Wangka Kutju means "one language". It is the first realtime digital translator between English and the Central Australian Indigenous language of Pintupi-Luritja.
Wangka Kutju was developed with renal patients at the
Purple House, which is owned by
Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation (WDNWPTAC).
Features of Wangka Kutju include:
Realtime translation from English to Pintupi-LuritjaRealtime translation from Pintupi-Luritja to EnglishPintupi-Luritja text-to-speech Pintupi-Luritja speech recognition Pintupi-Luritja word analysisMachine learning capabilitiesReads the weather in Pintupi-LuritjaClick here to see the
project report
Purple House developed Wangka Kutju with funding from the Indigenous Language and Arts program through the Department of Communications and Arts, and further developed the software in 2020 under the National Indigenous Australians Agency.